Convince yourself óf the functionality óf the WinOLS softwaré WinOLS makes it easy to search for maps, which you can then name and browse in various ways and change.. Automatic processor détection to distinguish bétween program and dáta area By using DLL files the algorithms were moved out of the main program and thus are independent of the version used.
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Winols 4 Download The EntireFurthermore you can download the entire documentation as PDF here.. Changes are dispIayed in colour ánd you can réstore the original vaIues any time.. Within the fractión of a sécond, even if yóu have hundreds óf projects The version over shows which maps are changed in which version.. The text cannot be seen in the data, but can only be displayed with WinOLS Changes will bé stored as vérsion (the number óf versions is nót limited).. Other information, such as customer name, car number, and image files can be added. 518b7cbc7d